Promise Packagings, a key manufacturer of high-quality, responsible and sustainable flexible packaging materials (Sterilizable/Heat Sealable) for medical/surgical disposable Products, healthcare products, food products, home & personal care products, banks/finances related products and other general products. Our innovative packaging helps millions of consumers make responsible choices every day. Our packaging is designed to cater for your requirements and customized for your needs. We ensure the packaging is practical, affordable and presents the best face of your brand.

From humble beginnings in 2005 with simple techniques to manufacture in a small scale, the company moved in progression to a modern setup with a fully equipped manufacturing unit consisting of Narrow/Wide Web Flexographic Printing, Gravure Printing, Pouch Making, Gusseting, Die-Punching, Lamination and Slitting facility.

Our product range encompasses the needs of each and every type of Sterilizable and Heat Sealable packing materials. We have been meeting the ever changing demands and have maintained a balance of Quality, Economics and Ecological Considerations. Over the years we have upgraded as per the emerging technologies and have made sure of a strong employee force in order to maintain timely delivery and commitments.

Promise Packagings continuously aims to further diversify, improve technical services, innovations, better professional & skilled man power and upgrade systems to be implemented in the near future.


Design, Develop, Manufacture, Market & Support Quality Products to provide satisfaction to customers by ensuring functionally good products, cost economy and reliable service.


To build a growth oriented and reputed organization striving hard for transforming innovations and demands into actions.